Sunday, November 29, 2009

Religious Harmony

The Global unrest can be eradicated with the help of International Religious Harmony. Every religion teaches for Peace & Harmony. Every Religion, including Jewism, Christianity & Islam, guarantees Peace of Human Race. Every body on this earth seeks for Peace of Mind, Body and Soul.

Vedic religion seems to be the oldest of all and it is claimed by the followers of this religion that Vedas were revealed 1.3 billion years ago.

The prediction of Malechha (the foreigners, Aliens) in their Sacred Books indicates that the new species will come to dwell the earth; while the whole earth at that time was filled with the Gaints or Jinns.

All the Vedic books are begun with Proclamation "O Agni" which also points towards the creatures to whom these books are revealed, those were created from agni (fire). The Jinns were made of fire.

The Malechha as prophesied was surely Adam, and the human race is started to flourish by Adam and Eve. On earth they were non-nude, as they were directly guided by Al-Mighty God.

Thus the inhabitants of the earth before Adam & Eve were certainly Jinns and the revealed books pertaining to them were only for the guidance and betterment of Jinns. It also shows that most of the Vedic books belong not to humans but the creatures made of FIRE. This is why the worship of fire was started by the humans wrongfully to please the Head of Jinns.

The question arises about the authenticity of the Vedic books and upon whom they were revealed. The followers claim of four circles of time (Yugs), the duration of which is beyond the counting. This made the whole theory perplexing and unbelievable. But it is obvious that the Jinns were present during those far off eras. In the beginning, they were pious, rightful and obedient to God-Almighty as is declared according to Yugs.

Gradually with the passage of time, they started to mislead and became disobedient to the Al-Mighty God.

When God told the Angels that He will create Man, to whom they must prostrate. They all obeyed but the Jinn (head of the Jinn, named Iblis) did not prostrate. When God asked the reason, he proudly declared that “Man is made of clay while he (Iblis) is made of Fire.”

For this act of disobedience, the Al-Mighty God damned him hell for the eternity. In spite off seeking forgiveness, the damned Iblis requested the Al-Mighty to spare time so that he would astray the whole mankind to burn in hell. The God Al-Mighty accepted his challenge of astraying the mankind from right and straight path by saying that he will not be successful in astraying His Friends.

Now, we see that he is mostly successful in his challenge to mislead mankind to make them worship the Iblis himself, in the shape of FIRE, or use fire in their rituals and customs; the fire with which he is made of.

1 comment:

  1. FEAR or GREED?
    What is the force behind the struggle to survive?
    Kindly publish your ideas.
