Saturday, November 7, 2009


Peace of mind is the Special Blessing of Al-Mighty God; it is the fundamental necessity of all human beings. Every Nation & Race of the Mankind believes in God although their concept of God is different from one another.
The atheists and agnostics do not believe in any God and their systems of communities and societies are purely self-made. Their communities are established on the "Trial and Error" basis; these are the out-come of experiences of thousands of centuries. Their thinkers, reformers and philosophers have been practicing to form "Rules and Laws" since the beginning of the Civilization; for solving their problems and eradicating the evils from society according to the Theory of Necessity but soon rule them out when they fail to achieve their goals. Thus they start to establish new rules and format new laws to apply but ultimately need to revise them with the passage of the time on not fulfilling their needs. Still today these communities are perplexed to achieve any such Theory which may meet the fundamental necessities of their communities.

One such example is that of Communist Block.
It has become the part of the history that ONCE there was the World's Second Super Power named USSR but today it is no more a super power and even with the loss of its original Name and Entity. The Theory of Communism has totally been failed in supporting their own community. Yesterday's super power is no more today and today's super power.............? ............. must leave a BIG QUESTION behind with out providing the One Hundred Percent satisfaction and guarantee of Peace to its Inhabitants and citizens. More over, if it claims to be the World's Only Super Power than the responsibility ultimately comes on its own shoulders.

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